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Leslie Bryant MacLean
Adjunct Professor
School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Email: leslie.bryantmaclean@ubc.ca

Leslie Bryant’s (MSc, CSEP-CEP, Regional Practice Lead, Research & Indigenous Engagement, Interior Health and Adjunct Professor, UBC Okanagan, School of Health and Exercise Sciences) research interests lie in the areas of health service delivery, Indigenous health, knowledge translation and application within healthcare and research capacity building. Ms. Bryant is working on developing key relationships with Indigenous communities and academic researchers across Canada to enable collaboration and networking opportunities. She is engaged in the measurement of KT activities, particularly the measurement of relationship building and its influence on knowledge transfer. She is a co-principle investigator decision maker on two CIHR-funded projects; one focused on urban Indigenous diabetes and obesity prevention and care and the other is on exploration of xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ (Many Ways of Working Together) with the Ktunaxa Nation for identification of Indigenous wellness. She is also involved in research that’s exploring and supporting land-based health and healing with both the Tsilhqot’in and Secwepemc Nations. Leslie is the mother of three children and has an organic farm in Sylix Nation territory in Lake Country, BC.